Log in to view your list of favourite games. Serana confesses her true feelings to the Dragonborn after the defeating Her Father Harkon in the final Dawnguard quest.Mods Installed - 365SDA MOD - 3.3.2 V. (originally fixed in 1.3hotfix update, now consolidated into 1.3.1), - Serana will no longer sneeze as a vampire. - Script fixes for SDA Player Background Dialogue (some didn't correctly set the quest stage), - Marked Ysolda as essential as I need her alive for the Bannered Mare quest, - Improvements to Lockpick Commentary Script, - Fixes with Radiant Commentary for DG Quests (both sides). Regardless, Serana will not want to go in that house at any cost because of Molag Bal's history with her family. Just make sure you talk with her while in that same room, with that bed already rented. No need to use another outfit mod/follower framework feature, or fiddle with the lackluster vanilla system. - Serana no longer drinks a blood potion (visibly) if she is not following the player. Frankly it'll take too much effort and also cause compatibility issues if I edit that quest for the sake of SDA's sleeping feature, so I've decided to add in this workaround for now. A lot of the underlying code has been overhauled, so I don't recommend you install this particular update on an existing save. - Fuz'ed some dialogue that needed Fuz'ing, - Reconstructed Volkihar Undercroft recap dialogue, - Added proper location keyword for the Inner Sanctum, - Tweaked dialogue conditions for a bunch of radiant dialogue to make more contextual sense, - A bunch of new radiant and clicked hellos to occur after Dawnguard and once Serana has gotten closer to the player, - Implemented safeguards for the post-Dawnguard quest conversation with Serana to ensure the player can still continue talking with her even if the dialogue was said as a hello greet, - Added dialogue after the ambush on the Ancestor Glade during the "Unseen Visions" quest (on both Dawnguard and Vampire sides), - Added an "Unseen Visions" location-aware radiant idle, - Added proper keywords for Dawnguard locations like Darkfall Cave and Sharpslope Cave, - Fixed dialogue conditions for some location-aware radiant dialogue. - Commentary when the player forges items, creates potions, enchants, drops items, and levels up, College of Winterhold Arcaneum conversation (Serana's reaction is no longer cringey and sudden, and more role-play is added to the conversation), Addition of new role-play lines to the Dark Brotherhood quest (The player can now choose to be more cautious after Aventus asks them to kill Grelod), Rewrote and added more lines to the Trust conversation. Essa infatti arricchisce ENORMEMENTE il vampiro pi famoso di Skyrim, aggiungendo numerose linee di dialogo che rendono l'esperienza del personaggio in Skyrim molto pi immersiva. (Professional, Platonic, or Romantic relationship), - However, if the player installs the mod after a particular point in Dawnguard (Unseen Visions) it is automatically assumed that the player and Serana are in a romantic relationship. - Added conditions for a bunch of other dialogue lines (with sexual jokes, such as Haelga Bunkhouse Commentary, Real Barenziah convo) to only occur until after the player has completed Dawnguard, - Fixed Talen-Jei NPC banter (new save required for fix, OR type startquest SDA_TalenJeiBanter in the console), - Deleted some lines with first romance conversation which kind of felt out of place for Serana's character, - Conditioned a lot of Inigo banter to only occur until later on in DG/the player and her relationship, - Serana will no longer sleep with the player until their relationship has reached a high level. - Drink with Serana (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) at any inn, and have casual and immersive talks over a multitude of topics. A bunch of you probably already know this, but the Serana Romance update has been out on SE for about a day or two now. - Redid the code for some of the waiting lines. topic, - Added quest condition to Serana's feeling good line, - A "What's On Your Mind?" - Added AlternateVoice flags to dialogue which was previously missing it. - Serana will break up with you if she finds out you are already married. Serana will still eventually be attracted to the player (should the player have chosen the romance route) but this will be shown more organically and Serana should come off as less horny and/or player-pandering. This conversation is unlocked after the "A New Covenant" quest but before the "A Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. If she is far behind (beyond hearing/conversation distance) she will be teleported to a spot near the player that they can't see (so sort of like a catchup feature). Serana asks to go on a date after confessing her love to the Dragonborn . Tweaked StoryManager conditions for Serana's main quest commentary- added more failsafes to ensure they start and run on time. - Tweaked conditions for "A Night to Remember" commentary to ensure the first commentary line fires off, - Tweaked conditions for some radiant romance lines to not occur if the player isn't in the mood for touchy-feely stuff, - Tweaked conditions for one of her scripted MQ commentaries to hopefully not occur while Delphine is speaking, - Tweaked dialogue fragment scripts in Serana's Forgotten Vale romance quest, so that her final dialogue lines would fire off properly, - Fixed conditions Serana's quest commentary for Discerning the Transmundane to only occur while that quest is running, - Added in missing voice greets from the previous Radiant Update, - Added in dialogue improvements to the SDA_SeranaRomance4 conversation. In later conversations, romance can still be opted out of, as usual. Full Kerstyn revoices for all Serana lines during the Kindred Judgement and Touching the Sky quests (the last two quests in Dawnguard). The dialogue lines in this mod (nearly 5000) are all fully voiced, utilizing new voice-acted lines by Kerstyn Unger. Improvements to dialogue scene AI packages, Improvements to Radiant Hello Timings (should be more varied and less spammy). It's no longer a spontaneous and spur of the moment decision. - Added conditions to the "Trust" quest music track, just more safeguards to ensure that it doesn't keep playing even after the quest is finished. If you are on Xbox, only the latter method is available to you. This is to prevent narrative whiplash; like how Serana could comment on your romance when the Archmage just died. - Disabled one of the post-Harkon fight dialogues, as these have now been largely superceded by the addition of the Serana romance. Serana commentary should work, but YMMV, as SDA pretty much assumes you kill Tyranus when prompted. - Added short conversation about Molag Baal. The music also may have been a bit melodramatic, and maybe a bit unfitting of the game's natural music environment. The 'Realistic' option is set by default. Nearly 300 new voice lines. If you've already experienced this bug and are on PC, type "Set SDA_AlternateVoice to 1", or reload an earlier save (before Prophet). (you can find the list on my website). Thanks to GuerillaTech for pointing them out! (PC only, due to how detecting player dialogue status is an SKSE function), - Serana should get irritated less often now when you bump into her while sneaking. (This incorporates the Serana Hood Fix mod, along with modifications by me). - Sofia Banter now has a countdown timer. - Two new songs, one is a Serana-rendition of the Age of Aggression/Oppression vanilla song, and another is an original composed by Kerstyn! The player can choose (via dialogue) whether they want Serana's hood to be disabled all times, or only in sunlight (and if Serana isn't wearing any other headgear). This has been fixed. Due to limited voice lines though, (even spliced) I can only do so much. - The FG/OStim check is now made on each player game load, making SDA now able to detect if either of these animation frameworks were installed on an existing SDA save. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Diplomatic Immunity quest, Serana is supposed to be force-dismissed after the last dialogue line. - SDA is now in a BSA! Some good stuff- primarily the fact that you're now able to romance Serana. - Added missing voice lines for final romance quest. - More tunes for Serana to idle-hum to based on some vanilla tunes as well as those from her current song library, - Complete location conversations on all of the remaining major Skyrim Holds (Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, Solitude, Markarth), - A new conversation about Serana's childhood. On the other hand for users who don't have Flower Girls installed, romance scenes will be implemented as fade-to-blacks with appropriate contextual messages. This allows her to converse with the player better when she needs to. - Serana's SDA leveled spells (like Oakflesh) should now start appearing correctly, and scale properly as Serana and the player level. - Added a new entry in the Dibella's Boon perk condition, so that players could benefit from it if they also had the Serana's Charm magic effect (received after she first romances with you). Serana has a few lines relevant to your character's race that you would miss playing as custom race, this fixes by updating the conditions to check for custom race keywords. - Added Serana's brief commentary on Skyrim's factions. I originally kept her sneezing (even as a vampire) to help her more relatable and "human" but now it just doesn't make much sense. I want to be sure the player hears what she has to say. // Serana Dialogue Add-On Video unavailable So telling her to be quiet should now actually do that, and not make her talk more instead. - Refusal to Serana's marriage proposal now toggles the relevant global variable. - There was an oversight with the latest scripting that allowed some quests to be started by the Story Manager again and again, even if they had already been run before. Over 14 radiant conversations that can occur anytime you explore with Remiel and Serana. This is based on a real-life study by the University of Kansas (https://news.ku.edu/2018/03/06/study-reveals-number-hours-it-takes-make-friend), - Decreased likelihood for romance-related combat lines to occur, - Increased cooldown for radiant greets by 33%, - Now dialogue options that lead to kissing/romance scenes are bluntly indicated (i.e. The patch has been completely redone (new records and new patch name), so just to be on the safe side you should start a new game with it/a game that hasn't had a Lustmord patch installed. No patch plugin needed, SDA should automatically detect when you have said mod installed and Serana is wearing the Ram Horn cuirass. - Fixed a possible issue for some users with the Companions commentary. The base dialogue commentary quests should all be started in time. Some issues prevented it from occurring in a radiant manner. - Commentary tweaks for Raven Rock mine quest, so more players would get to hear Serana's commentary. Now they should act as regular 'hello' greetings. For the Dark Brotherhood, Serana will also comment if you chose to destroy them. Incorporated Serana Hood Fix by thetrader, with modifications by me. Conditional to only occur if player has started the main quest and is recognized as Dragonborn. - Removed temporary sound processing left from the CK. However, if that isn't possible and you want to continue using a save where you've already been, do this workaround: 1. NOTE: This dialogue really is just for a role-play purpose. Also prevents NFF's tavern interactions from firing off during the "Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. These new lines are also faction-aware, so Serana will have different responses based on whether or not you're part of a particular group in Skyrim. - Removed GetDistance requirement from radiant lovemaking dialogue. - Fixed an oversight toggle that accidentally triggered the Laura Bailey voice during the Prophet quest (Dawnguard side). - Changed the cooldown of the radiant misc. - More radiant dialogue, occurring at either sunrise or sunset. You can now teach her spells (from a select list of vanilla spells). - Added in framework to adjust animation priority and which adult frameworks are selected for romance scenes (disabled for now while I continue to develop the code). first, - Added conditions for "Can I talk to you a bit" to not appear in dangerous locations like caves and nordic ruins, - Adjusted volume on audio files that were too quiet, - Increased audio levels in some lines that were too quiet, - Added more radiant hello dialogue (for weather conditions and when in player homes), - Added temple location keyword to High Hrothgar so Serana could properly recognize it as a temple, - Added Main Quest dialogue from the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller quest to Diplomatic Immunity. The friendship requirement stays the same. New quest-aware commentary, as well as dialogue for said armor. If the player is named a certain name that has been requested by Patrons, Serana will automatically recognize that (if on PC), or manually if on console. - Removed Alternate Voice toggle scripts- as they're not needed anymore. - Serana cooking home-cooked meals for you. On top of knowing if the player has a vanilla home, I'd also like to add support for modded homes as well. - Addition of 1st Serana banter framework. - Fixed custom greet loop with the "Arthon" name. (It's easier to manage compared to four separate mod pages). junctions that weren't previously there. Update Notes for the 2.2 Update, Mages, Romance, and Misfits. So now you can hear all of her fun lines. I've just released the latest 3.0 update for my Serana Dialogue Add-On mod, which adds a bunch of cool stuff! - Serana commentary convos on Dawnguard members (Hunter side). - A new "Trust" conversation, which aims to solve a DG plothole. - Convenient Horses Compatibility (through an optional patch), - Improvements to how objectives are displayed in Serana Romance quests. You do not need to romance Serana for this. Integrated patch for the BDO Ram Horn Witch Armor ([SE] DM BDOR Ram Horn Witch by Rektas & Xing, Team TAL | Team TAL on Patreon). - Radiant Greets (For each of the inns in Skyrim), - Serana now drinks blood potions from her inventory every 24 hours or so. Serana Dialogue Add-On la mod che tutti i fan pi accaniti di Serana dovrebbero scaricare. - Added quest commentary for Arvak and Jiub quests, - Added radiant quest dialogue for Volkihar side, - Added a radiant conversation with Serana after she's been injured in a fight and her health is below a certain percentage. - Fixed dialogue condition with the final Companions commentary, - Also includes this bugfix from 2.3.1hotfix: Fixed dialogue conditions for a specific combat idle, - Fixed some looping animation issues with DDAF on "Whats on Your Mind" lines, - Added conditions to some combat lines to only fire off when they would make sense to, - Added a condition to Serana's humming that previously wasnt there before, - Forwarded some dialogue edits from Serana Dialogue Edit for compatibility reasons, - Some tweaks to SDA Companions commentary, - Added safeguards to ensure you can't make love to Serana while Inigo or Sofia are around (they should be more than 500 distance units away). - New wait dialogue. Serana offers to be the player's friend, to which they can either quickly shun or accept Serana's moves. Decided to just release this as a full update now, and not just a beta, as this update was already extensively tested and any bugs experienced (if there are) should be rather minor. Old Stone Walls was re-recorded in both an acapella and acoustic version. Changed Solstheim Location commentary and Serana Blackreach stuff to be triggered through Story Manager, Merged Breakup Handler, Bolstering The Ranks, Auriel's Bow records with SDA's Main Dialogue records, freeing up quest data space and making the mod's internals overall more streamlined, Enabled more Papyrus debug logging to help users who may be having problems with various features, Some under the hood tweaks for SDA Follower Banter, Improvements to script performance for College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood, and Companions commentaries, Changed Serana Silent Teleport script so she would be teleported nearer to the player. - Dialogue toggle for Serana's yawn and sneeze lines. - Fixed xEdit script property Warning Message (was previously harmless though). - Added optional Amorous Adventures patch (for both Clean and Flower Girls versions). dialogue. Previously ignored quests (like "Season Unending") are now covered as well. - Serana's Necklace of Vivacity now has custom meshes and textures! For now it's just about her dad but more topics to come for the next release. - Implementation of NPC Interaction Framework. LL version still to come. - Revoiced reactions to lockpicking objects. Bethesda mistakenly marks a lot of common areas as "Dwellings" which made Serana equip her home outfit in these areas. You can now ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's one nearby. junction lines with greets recorded by Kerstyn, - Increased volume for combat lines which were too quiet. Race Compatibility Dialogue for Serana Dialogue Addon (SDA) - Nexus Mods - Added another conversation to the last part of the Drinking Buddies quest- you can now ask Serana what she thinks of your companions! 3. No spoilers, but just expect a chill conversation at the beach, reflecting on your relationship with her and everything that's happened thus far. - Fixed House of Horrors quest commentary not triggering, Fixed missing voiceline issue for Serana Husky commentary, Tweaked conditions for Serana's Radiant Hello Greet to trigger. - Serana will only comment on you carrying a lot of things if you are actually over-encumbered. - The player can suggest alternative drinks (like Black Briar or Honningbrew Mead) if the player has those items in their inventory. - Patch release. - Finally fixed BSA file compression issues with two voice files, which in turn were causing issues with the spell disable/enable feature.