good luck to all of you. Ambassador Robert Strauss to see that the embassy building contained equipment to exert psychotronic influence on Moscow residents but, according to the general, it had been deactivated. Travel somewhere new, even if it is close by. Over time, you'll start to feel happier, more balanced, and in control of your feelings and sense of self. [6], Those mind reading technologies use EEC with decoding of neurological signals remotely with or without an implant through satellite or through TV Mobile transmission towers. On my head! When I had an X-ray taken unannounced at another dentist's office, the assistant herself was amazed at the image. This article has been viewed 20,165 times. I requested help from the law and order, but they didn't helped me. Researchers had shown a capability to read a subjects mind by remotely measuring their brain activity. My family and friends have made it known to me that I really dont have freewill or choice anymore because they want me to live and choose what they want. Jared Loughner, 23, who accused of shooting a US congresswoman in Arizona and killing six others on January 8, 2011, claimed that he was being mind-controlled. Please note, there are probably fewer resources for abused men than there are for abused women. ). When she was in Hong Kong, her brain was controlled by voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, and she was taken into the US Embassy in Hong Kong. being mindcontrolled. She wishes the public help her to urge governments to take immediate actions. One of the more intriguing mind control devices is Muse (opens in new tab). I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. This article describes the situation perfectly. The house part was already guarded before this time (23.12.06). One university, Johns Hopkins, has already made great strides in mind control, creating a prosthetic limb thats partly controlled by the mind (opens in new tab). Mind control: How technology is blurring the lines between man and Do not allow your new partner or friend to get in the way of your seeing any of your old friends or family members. along with the list (things they can remotely do to you) Baumhammers told a psychiatrist that he could hear people talking about him, and it interfered with his work. By telling your friends and family, their instant reaction to what is happening to you should be enough to shake you out of this awful trap. Several emergency foil blankets (also known as space blankets, emergency camping blankets, or mylar foil blankets). Accurate history gives people a basis with which to learn and accept new information perhaps about mind control weapon abuses and how they have been used wrongly against society. I and others have been making of this covert form of mind control. Banana plug to Alligator test leads. Keywords: Mind control technology; voice-to-skull; victim, Human Rights; Torture; Abuse. The guy doing the Mind control (Freddie Villegas) is a real deutsh bag. It does not matter which side of the blankets faces the wall as far as effectiveness goes, but put the metallic side (which can be scratched off) toward the wall or window so that it doesnt get rubbed off by stuff in the room brushing up against it. make sure everyone I can get to knows about it. 84-92) [11], Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006) [12], Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the article Diagnosis Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology., The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of the manipulation of human beings. [13]. 2. People constantly make fun of me anywhere I go or laugh at me because of how I look. There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. Translated with (free version), Migraines were bothering me all of a sudden out of no where for 5 years( did mri :all cleared) one day Holy Spirit told me to use tinfoil If you live in a flat urban area, the field intensities tend to be high. Repeat it until you feel more clear headed. 1. By the time it gets to this point, you will have probably been worn down with low self-esteem. Just look at today: We're living with advancing technology . Blocking these is even harder. A disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions). Mr. Serdyukov said, The development of weaponry based on new physics principles - Direct Energy weapons, Geophysical weapons, Wave-energy weapons, Genetic weapons, Psychotronic weapons, and so on - is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020.[10]. ive looked with no insight One of the areas to be investigated by the CIA was Mind Control. hbbd```b``"k$z,. Firstly, i didn`t know how it`s possible then I found so many things using my knowledge. So that's where mind control is right now, but where will we see it in the future? The party against whom a presumption is directed has the burden of producing evidence to rebut the presumption. The third right, to mental integrity, aims to defend against hackers who seek to interfere with brain implants, either to take control of the devices people are connected to, or to feed spurious signals into victims brains. hb``` Happy holidays and please dont take it the wrong way God bless you all sorry to bother. Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they don't want. It does block a lot of effects the targeting tech do Mortal Kombat 12 gets announced in the worst way possible, Microsoft Teams is finally putting an end to your potty mouth, LG announces US prices for its new OLED TVs, and there's mixed news, Google Pixel Watch gets fall detection to add insult to Fitbits injuries, Le produit le plus cool que OnePlus prsente au MWC 2023 n'est pas un smartphone, Leaked iPhone 15 Pro Max images show off the phone from all angles, The iPhone 15 could embrace USB-C in the most Apple way possible, Netflix 4K too expensive? !! Using a new technology, Sibelius Labs are capable of separate soul from body. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. Writing in the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy, the pair put forward four new human rights that are intended to preserve the brain as the last refuge for human privacy. T.J. Richard Scott Baumhammers, 34, was arrested Friday, April 28, 2000, following a shooting rampage that left five dead and one seriously injured in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. The Mind Control Delivery System: Project HAARP. The other issue is that there are no commercially available consumer-priced detectors to measure the high band, which is above 20 GHz, since meters are currently limited to 8 GHz max. Use instead air mattresses, waterbeds, wooden cots, or futons. The allies victories at both fronts in winter and spring of in 1945 resulted in the collapse of the Nazi regime. These may have additional psychological, biological, and even paranormal effects. He built 2 neighboring houses. Be sure to let family, friends, and coworkers know which day of the week you are planning on doing this so that they do not become worried if they can't get in touch with you. Currently, the gadgets using this type of technology range from the sublime to the outright bizarre heres a look at five of them. Forrestals initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) in Europe. [14] 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva, A Joint Initiative of: Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, IUHEI, accessed August 19, 2013, [15] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), Since 2006, many people who claimed to be mind control victims started connecting through the Internet, working together to write countless letters to government departments, social communities, human rights organizations, the media and the general public. Full print capabilities including 3D, and vehicle wrapping, 27,000 Sqft warehouse for all with bespoke warehouse stock control system to assist with any pick pack fulfilment needs, Working alongside . It may also affect your ability to read things in-depth. Ienca admits that it may seem a little early to worry about brain hackers stealing our thoughts, but he said it was usually more effective to introduce protections for people sooner rather than later. It happened in Pfffikon ZH at the practice at the train station. The possible reasons victims believed they became a target were: The symptoms victims experienced as a possible result of this technology: 50.34% of all victims have been forced to accept psychiatric treatment, the length of being forced to accept psychiatric treatment were: All victims claimed that the psychiatric treatment did not have any therapeutic effect. Its thick enough and resistant to tearing and puncturing. CN 2'5dBA*@IlPQ DL,{r^5\&+JXCurY}Y~\muu|b:Yle5{~{aS-fGfFWprQYiN(#eyh9' If you want something even better than aluminum foil, buy Everbilt double reflective insulation. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individuals sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. I think Mennet and Egger know each other not only through the sale of the house part. I bought the subscription through Maschinenring. Can i use it for my benefit . The main concern is the high 5G band, which uses millimeter waves and beam steering or beam forming technology. Silence never wins civil liberty Hi I have had this problem is there anything I can do about it its been going on for almost 5 years!please help, Anyone know how to combat these technologies? She also requires the cooperation and support of the governments of Australia and China, and requests assistance from the United Nations and other governments in investigating her case. Had kids set up in environments to change how the person getting mind controlled thought about life. Anywhere there wasnt tin foil ( dont know if its a heat sensor) We can do just about anything just by picking up our smartphone. Mind control is the concept by which a subjects thoughts and actions can be controlled by an external force. High band 5G waves main danger is that they can come through even small holes or openings in shielding, so one would have to be more careful about having a good seal and no rips or punctures. Some victims organized some demonstrations in their countries and filed their lawsuits. Movement. Their study, to be published in the November 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny Electronic Chip, Interacting with the Brain, Modifies Pathways for Controlling Movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006). It is a tell-tale sign that they are trying to control your mind and are quite successful in it. Professionals who might use NLP skills include law enforcement officers, counselors, hypnotists, religious leaders, politicians, lawyers, coaches, teachers, sales people, writers, public speakers, trainers you get the idea. Mind Control Technology or Remote Neural Monitoring or Psychotronics Mind Control as it is generally called, has assumed dangerous proportions in India, it is devastating and destroying lives of innocent men women and sometimes children. How do u know she knows? Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. Thank The earth is a pile of shit and nothing besides! What is Google Takeout. This article was co-authored by Desiree Panlilio. Soleilmavis is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, who was first attacked in December, 2001 when she was studying for a Masters Degree in Australia. I am monitored since 23.12.06 with chip in the tooth. Being deficient in any of these will cause mental weakness and submissiveness to mind programming signals. It must be made public. A large source of dangerous EM radiation comes in the form of microwaves emitted by cell phone towers. They manipulated worst, cruel dreams to disturb my mind& Sleep. NLP looks at many different aspects of a person and uses language to plant suggestions. Then use double-alligator wires to connect one blanket piece to another, so that an electrical pathway is traced between the grounded plug and the last blanket. All those symptoms would disappear without any medical treatment, or sometimes, a pain would persist, even if she had strong medication. I am Happy to see this content. Wow I have been saying it for years now but of course no one wanted to believe me. Mind Control by Cell Phone - Scientific American The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE. How to Control Your Mind | Psychology Today Some places I have lived, the radiation was surprisingly weak and so no foil blankets were necessary. The headquarters was in Wdenswil. Try taking a new route somewhere. Can we stop mind control? I dont have what it takes to commit suicide but I damn sure will be glad when my life reaches its natural conclusion.