When we do sin, Christ gives us the atonement, (thats love) Lucifer excuses it as not a sin (thats bondage). I dont see other churches doing much differently. I want you to know I am not trying to make you angry. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. As many many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA the Mormon church) believe that the Book of Mormon gives divine proof of Joseph Smiths calling, a similar validation is given to Nemelka by his followers. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. Name: Anthony J Schmitt, Phone number: (414) 321-5694, State: WI, City: Milwaukee, Zip Code: 53220 and more information That is a chief ingredient to the existence of terrorism. Categories It is obvious they dont care if people lose their faith and exit the church to the supposed danger of their salvation as is taught. This heritage is one we embrace as a formative part of our identity. they should have charity they were The girl I met had been engaged twice before ever meeting me. You can claim what I say to be opinion but much of what you say is assumed and unverified. True. You teach very much what he taught. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. The often projected belief that men have tried mimicking scripture and always failing is actually false. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. Upon reading The Sealed Portion, these members realized how important the Book of Mormon and The Sealed Portion were to the salvation of the human race. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. This is important since each God wants a different experience from mortality than that of another. But only if you want it to be true and really want to plant the seed and test it just as it says in Alma and Moroni. My grandmother had two blue books both labeled sealed portion (vol 1-vol-2) in gold writing similar to the navy blue book of Mormon in appearance. Feb. 2016-Sept. 20182 Jahre 8 Monate. The real problem here is each nation seeing their own people as more important than others. Grant it there are less than the Bible, but many LDS sects either polygamous or otherwise all interpret the book differently, also including D&C and the Pearl of Great Price. Policy for running the church is ever changing. law against a mans belief; therefore, Poverty is the cause for most of the wickedness in this world: 3 And they had all things common These books would convince the sincere seeker of Real Truth about religion and how it destroys the human race, and what they have done through religion to save the human race. The Bible was created by men, who, throughout history, wanted to present a philosophical idea of our relationship with a God as our Creator. It was more of a preparation guide. But that doesnt erase the need for a priesthood or to follow our leaders directions. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a more concise and complete explanation given of the purpose of LDS temples and the instruction given therein. But if I were asked directly if I knew the Book of Mormon was true, I would answer yes if that individual expected me to answer that way as a confirmation of his testimony he deeply cares for or if I feel the Book of Mormon could do that person some good, assuming they wanted my advice on searching for truth. When I look through this website everything is well quoted. I know many church members dont support what I have said about the homeless, but it does show a hypocrisy in Christianity as a whole. Anthony J Schmitt, (414) 321-5694, 4141 S 60th St, Milwaukee, WI Otherwise none of us would have any hope would we? Fiennes, Pas-de-Calais I learn from a group known as the Real Illuminati. 35 Yea, I know that God will give A Hypocritical Nation. All of this you tell me is to justify embracing a book that someone admittedly made up. If you want to talk about responding to war, that is a bit different. I dont know. I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. When the American people ignored the, of the plates. Google something like: CHRIS NEMELKA EXPOSED, Dont believe everything you read on the internet just because theres a picture with a quote next to it Abraham Lincoln, but seriously check out Christopher Marc Nemelka in his own words interviewed by me an enemy of his work. That was the plan he had that we rejected. Before I came to question things said in the LDS church, I thought all those who rejected our way of thinking to be wicked and in apostasy against Christ. Although his work includes some great insight and direction on many truths, he has subtly introduced all 5 of the above referenced items in very clever ways to may them not seem so obvious. I was able to read the book, I was able to access his journals. He gained some level of fame when Ida Smith, the great-great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith, was converted from I think the sealed portion is describing the world events which we are now witnessing unfold. Sch ni TNG NAVARRE VI TRN IN BIN PH Jean Pouget Ti xung nghe tp m thanh sch I can do no more except finish what they have asked me to do. The original messenger now known as Christ was who he claimed to be, but his overall purpose and teachings have been clouded from oral traditions kept hundreds of years before it was recorded in the Bible. arm of flesh. I just keep wondering why on earth someone would dedicate so much of their life to disprove a religious group that has been around for so long and lets be honest. Robin Williams killed himself for ONE REASON: Robin Williams killed himself for ONE REASON: . Call that an attack if you like, but i am honestly confused at how you do that. His writings include several books, including one titled The Sealed Portion: The Final Testament of Jesus Christ, which is purported to be a translation of the sealed portion of the gold plates that Joseph Smith did not translate. (LogOut/ Judgement of the teaching you hear is your right. This uniqueness of each human spirit means that when others teach us, we lose our ability and power of self, the ability to follow our one and only true God, ourselves. As the game is being played, things do not progress in the game as it is supposed to be played. That makes your statements about the Sealed Portion inaccurate and misguided. I want to share a secret with you of the Spirit I think you would find helpful. It is the word of men.. Plays down revelation and the truth it presents As long as they still respect my God, though I do not disclose who I really am for their acceptance, I am in the wonderful position to accept them. Ive already changed one person to believe it who still is a member as well, it has dramatically changed that persons outlook on life and is much happier! I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. I know there is one thing that Lucifer and all his followers dislike. Since the Holy Ghost gave us that novel as a teacher, that story has relevance. It is an explanation of things as they really were in the past, as they really are today, and as they really will be in the future. When and who holds the priesthood varies on policies. One side believes people should be held responsible and accountable, the other says its always someone elses fault and not mine. When the American people ignored the unsealed part, the Real Illuminati recruited me to help them publish the prophesied greater, sealed, portion of the plates. I taught the Book of Mormon last year. Nobody else will pay them what they are worth! The actual words of Christ, excluding all other teachings of the New Testament, still remain pretty clear. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. Light shines the brightest in darkness. I fail to see the logic in your position. Re: Christopher Marc Nemelka, erstwhile translator of the sealed portion . If Hitler thought he was doing what was right, truly, that would mean in a sense he was a righteous man. And that we remain humble because we realize we sin every day. Yes, it is if you are LDS. Who questions someone who goes to church every Sunday? About mwaw This author has not yet filled in any details. MWAWTV.com Call in Sundays to talk live to Christopher 2PM. Part of the purpose of the book is fulfilled when people see it differently. Titles By Christopher Marc Nemelka All Formats Paperback Sort by: Sort by: Popularity. Who do many of these doctrine(s) deny the purity of the Book of Mormon? There is no lesser glory, they are all equal but different. Members of the Mormon Church who are familiar with Nemelka tend to look upon him with disdain. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. But keep in mind that any sane post adolescent person should be able to identify that the smoking and drinking bit is not at the top of the list of healthy things. I agree that the leaders of the church make mistakes and errors. They all have the same potential I do, and we all have the same potential Christ did through the Father! Can you say the same? Each book is a greater understanding, the Sealed Portion more than the Unsealed Portion (Book of Mormon). I was challenging everyone on these message boards to search for and find the truth in all things. And it is all in the name of a just and righteous God. It would be a purity of heart despite the misery and death he caused those around him. The same thing has happened to D&C and even at times the Book of Mormon. The organised church religions do not love Thy neighbor and the rich keep the poor in bondage. That is because we are in the Latter Days as the church calls it. Dont think for one moment that there are not people who would gladly exterminate Mormons, or Blacks, or Whites if they had the power to do so. I have read the story of Korihor. And what allows us to have these things? It is an explanation of things as they. Of course, one could ask, if we are to listen to no other man, no other woman, why should anyone listen to him? With the understanding that most men do not have the fullness of the everlasting gospel to guide them, most men will not be held accountable for their actions. However, truth often is not edifying but is in fact damning to those concerned as they lose their innocence and realize their own sin. (These books are free to download at the website: realilluminati.org). Understanding the Book of Mormon shows the Bible fools us, it is very clear. IF so, then Mormons, Jews, Jehovahs Witnesses and probably Seal Portioners would not exist now. I guess that would be pretty flattering to me, but that is not my desire at all. Nemelkaclaims he was delivered the Golden Plates and the Urim and Thumimin order for him to make the translations. Boy did that stir up a wicked defense. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) Human Reality - Real Illuminati Realizing a lesser kingdom of glory? :), Concerning confrontation. We need to accept some people wont measure up to their original ambitions if it is the true gospel that leads them. And everyone else on this planet are Christian or have eastern beliefs I only share belief with in part. If I used him as an excuse, then I have embraced his original position. I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. If you like the idea of reincarnation, by all means, join him. The church does some good with supporting their own, but they ignore the starving Africans and only give occasional support if the news reports a big storm or earthquake. the other. She would never suggest the clues to making out who she is behind her mask. That alone shows hypocrisy. He carefully lead them to embrace that there is no Christ. Satan is the father of all lies no matter how cleaver they are. If you are such a person, study the Book of Mormon first and then as your desire to learn by the Spirit increases, all things will be made known to you just as Moroni states! When I say first messenger I am referring to all known prophets or deities in known Christian (and sometimes non-Christian) history. Because she has an incurable personality disorder of which she does not understand emotions because she does not feel them. They seem to always want to eliminate judgement under the guise of Love each other. If you can justify a defense of your belief, then so can the other side that believes different from you. The less I slept, the more paranoid I became. It is about as long as the post above. Deceiving people is what psychopathy is all about. Ive shared my current spiritual name with you, far more significant than my earthly name. He believes that all humans will one day have a similar experience to what Joseph Smith had: What do you think is gonna happen when all of us have the first vision, the first visitation? But it does mean there is no need for spiritual authority because we each take responsibility for our own actions. If the prophets can do the same, they lie no more than I. Christophers work specifically teaches we are responsible for our own actions and that we cant blame our parents or teachers or abuses brought against us while we were young and innocent. An advanced human world that one day will be introduced to this world, but we have a lot to go through before that. It has very little value other than a novel. By knowing the fullness of truth I understand and teach better than I ever did before. Everyone wants to believe their own beliefs and church to be right, but everyone is wrong. This "Bright & Bold Brunch" shoot we got to do for Utah Valley Bride was SO FUN!!! I was a leader and I know first hand how easy it is to make a mistake. Moroni in the Book of Mormon states that after reading the Book of Mormon we must ask the Father with real intent believing it is true if the Book of Mormon is indeed true. Apparently Lindi V hasnt read my MANY replies on this video. It creates unique challenges and sorrows. And yet, still nothing about in in general conference. Your emotional reactions to ideas are authentic, but you are not comparing ideas, people and situations accurately and fairly. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. It cannot be a true restoration if old is accepted with the new. Christopher cannot do this now that he has been allowed to fully disclose real truth. . But only the scriptures have taught me about the atonement and the divinity of the Gospel of Christ. Question for both of us. But when we communicate with our higher selves (the LDS call this the Holy Ghost), we can know all things in faith and humility. In 2009 their Messenger, Christopher, set his mind against continuing in his role. Its just a compilation of church doctrine, history, temple endowment, and some fantasy sci-fi writing. The Constitution of the United States says a man shall have Freedom of Speech and Press! The colorblind do not know colors because they cannot physically feel them. Nemelka claims to have special insight into every recorded event in history via two rocks he claims to have in his possession called the Urim and Thummim. Where else is there to go? The Man from Joe's Bar & Grill - Christopher Nemelka We neither should respond to an ATTACK. After one failed attempt on his life he declared that it was evidence that Providence wanted him to do what he was doing. Richard Nemelka Obituary (1943 - 2020) - Salt Lake City, UT - The Salt Only children who have no ability to distinguish good from evil are exempt. It is also not real truth, at least not in full. Because all who rejected that plan are on the earth, he has to subtly reintroduce that concept in parts. And it came to pass in his days, that he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion. It brings me peace. Hell yes, and if you would use that same standard of evidence, so is Old Peep Stone Joe The BOM is a fraud. He has duped some poor older woman out of moey and her grave site to sponser his develish beliefs. Nemelka states that, in 1987, while in the Salt Lake City Temple, Joseph Smith appeared to Nemelka, called him as a prophet, and informed him that he is Hyrum Smith reincarnate. There are tell tell signs that are visible when he introduces a plan. The Book of Mormon teaches, along with D&C, that we can be one with the Son as He is one with the Father. Or do they instead do their best to convince their whole congregation they have been fooled by Satan just as you are doing with me? And yes it is true just as Christopher teaches, if we choose to be bad people during our mortal existence we will suffer immeasurably in the Spirit World just as you have stated. I wont condemn you or say you are on Lucifers side of the battle. I could never embrace the idea that the Holy Ghost inspired the Seal Portion if it is untrue. Such policy is foreign to me. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. How does it witness against a book you didnt even bother to read? What is about to happen has not happened before. I am simply stating how the MWAW sees it. Good is to love others and treat them with respect, but it also means standing against evil to protect those you love, no matter how much they cry out that I should love them and not resist their ideas. I have never seen so many eager anti-Mormons than when people came against Christopher. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. Ive seen it, with these imperfect eyes. 13 And so great was the faith of Enoch that he led the people of God, and their enemies came to battle against them; and he spake the word of the Lord, and the earth trembled, and the mountains fled, even according to his command; and the rivers of water were turned out of their course; and the roar of the lions was heard out of the wilderness; and all nations feared greatly, so powerful was the word of Enoch, and so great was the power of the language which God had given him. Leaving the church, really? That is true judgement. Nemelka claims that there are only two important things in this world and they are that you love yourself, that you learn who you are, and that you treat your neighbors as the gods they are. He asks, Why is it that we cant get along? There was a lady just yesterday posting on the Mormon Stories Podcast group on Facebook about Nemelka, claiming that he stole JS's seer stone from the church to use to translate the sealed portion of the plates. When I prayed for help, Christopher Nemelka came to my bedside, saying he doesnt need Anonymous, or his fucking wife! Aesops Fables is one example. We call this understanding the Real Truth. I can do no more except finish what they have asked me to do. One of Nemelkas followers interrupted an LDS devotional attempting to deliver the Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon to President Hinckley in 2005. To accomplish this, they invented, wrote, and published a new Christian narrative about the, of Jesus Christ. It was convoluted when it came out in their little Catholic New Testament this way, The Kingdom of God is within you. Christ taught the people that the universe revolves around you each one of us. I find it absolutely remarkable that you think the BOM is a fiction inspired by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost continues to confirm for me, at least at this point in life recognizing my purpose there is likely temporary due to the volatile position it creates from their acceptance of me, that befriending them is good for both me and them. I do not, in any way, wish you to leave the church and the happiness it brings you, just because I believe differently. Its not the Truth. Maybe because of the reason the book said!. Is Christ what he claims to be? None of the knowledge I have shared with the world has ever been properly challenged and proven to be incorrect. The true messenger today, who I know is Christopher, is the only messenger that was allowed to fully disclose his true identity in all of human history. 18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. Time in Stockholm County , Sweden now We should listen to no other man, no other woman, nobody else but our own hearts and our own minds. I learned from all the books i have read. In June 2010, Nemelka caused quite a stir when he announced that he was going to have a headstone bearing his and Hyrums name dedicated in the Smith family plot of the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Needless to say I was the oldest person in that society at the time. However, these people do not have access to me.). have charity they would not suffer They do good sure, buy why donate with charity on occasion and let everyone else starve, when poverty can be solved worldwide without the need for any charity organization to ensure the poor stay poor? Holy Ghost. And except I think this is the most amazing book I have ever read. He is the head of the Wordwide United Foundation, an organization that claims it alone has the solution to worldwide poverty and inequality. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. One guy kept calling me friend, he was LDS, then hed rub my face in the dirt (or was that mud?). The church speaks of temporal blessings often more than spiritual ones, because after all, arent we all glad we can eat and drink and have shelter and feel safe each day? How do you accept Smiths similar claims made under an equally erroneous position but not this man. For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. Minimizes personal responsibility. Christopher Marc Nemelka - AbeBooks Amazon.com: Christopher Marc Nemelka: Books, Biography, Blog (Isaiah 29:14). An oppressed people who cant feed themselves have no other choice. What is the purpose of the atonement? ;). arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts I can see how his plan was very appealing to a third of the host. Have you read the Third and final Testament of the Bible? How to incorporate technology for the benefit of all, equally.. My grandmother is no longer here and I dont know what happened to the books, however I do know that they exist and must have other copies out there. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom, the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. They were inspired by the God of this world. marvelousworkandawonder.com Even his own close helpers are financially supported by him, especially those who he could not refuse in the past for their offerings. As an example, I see the story of Korihor to mean something different from most LDS. For their thoughts, everything. on Christopher Nemelka: My Guardian Angel, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), New Wikileaks emails confirm Clinton brass twiddled the knobs of DNC outcome, Internet Chronicle exclusive: nonchalantly_ on poetry, voice and conviction, Your Anon Central Intelligence Agency: sitting out another defcon, 4th of July Radio Show of Power feat. shall forever ascend up unto thee, How fortunate Marilyn is to have seen, felt and been injected by her guardian angel! says Angstrom Troubadour, Ph.D. We all have personal angels by our side, watching over and caring for us. DAILY BLOG Archives - Page 3 of 28 - Christopher Nemelka Christopher Nemelka - Seeking YHWH She writes: Ive always been in perfect health, so I was devastated when, after a regular checkup, doctors diagnosed me with breast cancer. He wanted to tell the world on June 16th. I am comfortable with what I believe and am glad that you are as well. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. A few weeks earlier, two young men, full-time missionaries of the church formerly known as the LDS/Mormon Church, were living with my former wife and me. The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at. Yes, it is true Lucifer wants to take away our free agency and ensure everyone has the same power as our creators so he can ensure we all have the same reward. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the, The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Please pick a better explanation for the phenomenon of this long-form religious text; youre making us look bad. We have to judge ideas and beliefs in order to make decisions. So they dont have to worry about anything. Christopher is very truthful and shows people many of the mistakes he made and how he and others hurt each other. The Autobiography of Christopher Marc Nemelka. Sleep came to me like a best friend, and I sank into the softness of her arms. In fact, during his June 16 message, several LDS members walked out mumbling under their breath as he spoke. The only preach for material gain and the glory of men. Only Satan teaches the doctrine that you are not responsible and therefore have to take no action. It is that gospel that I use to draw truth out of fictitious works, not the other way round. All men were created equal.