As your own analysis may have shown, its not particularly rife with information. In synastry, the Vertex is considered almost like a part of the Primal Triad (Sun, Moon, Ascendant), and you can see connections with people who have a natal planet conjunct your Vertex or Anti-Vertex. Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. (*Most planets take a year to progress 1, including your Sun, while the Moon progresses 1 per month.). My mission: teaching shy, starry-eyed witches to become the Babe with the Power with astrology how-to's, oracle Q&As, + super-cute necromancy-themed stationery. , EVENTUALLY, AFTER TEN MONTHS OF TRYING TO START A CONVERSATION ABOUT ECLIPSES WITH HIM the barista (that fucking cunt ), announced he wouldnt serve me anymore (again, the full scoop is at the bottom of my Lilith-in-synastry tutorial, with the calendar date and exact time, if you want to peek at the transit chart ), which worked out okay, I guess, since another cafe opened up in town, and I Iearned about eclipses and the Destiny Point in astrology. allegedly, because, we have more creative control over the planets, points, and angles on the left half of our chart, and less control over the objects on the right half of the chart (according to Steven Forrest in The Inner Sky). MERCURY-VENUS-MARS TRANSITS TO THE VERTEX > Transits to the Vertex from the swifter, inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) might bring about actual people, visitors or avatars embodying the planets archetype: you might receive a special message, or gratification, or even a spark of rivalry, all of which would goad you towards Destinys Gate. which was officially the first moment Id ever been completely self-aware of an astrological phenomenon as it was cresting upon my consciousness , though it made me want to ugly-cry from confused humiliation, and then I went twice through the Sbux drive-thru in one day, now you know literally everything. Do they know what you feel destined for? here-toaskquestions 1 yr. ago You may thrive in groups and could have a broader impact. , BTW, THE VERTEX IS ALSO KNOWN AS THE WISH POINT > Some astrologers also refer the Vertex as the Wish Point, because Vertex transits are reported to come on the heels of actual wishes: for a new life, new love, new purpose. the Destiny Point. Vertex in Aries You are expected to pick up the reins of leadership, initiate new directions, take a decisive stand, overcome inhibitions to activate personal drive, learn courage, and conquer fears. The Anti-Vertex represents the other half of destinys gate, and can also be activated by transits and other peoples planets. The Vertex is usually located in the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th houses in your birth chart (the axis can be closer to your Imum Coeli and Midheaven if you were born in tropical latitudes). Donna Henson, The Vertex Report: Your Personal Destiny. . North Node Capricorn 8th House / South Node Cancer 2nd House. When you get to step #6, click VERTEX from the dropdown menu under Additional Objects, just under CHIRON. Dont have rose-colored glasses with the Vertex! Notice which boxes have black lines around them, indicating exact aspects. , VERTEX IN THE HOUSES theres less info about this, and even some terribly wrong info (hint: if summaries include Vertex in the 1st-4th Houses, its garbage ), and the best intel I found was via Kim Falconers Astrology and Aptitude, which also has the full scratch on the Vertex, and every-which-way you can interpret it in the natal chart. Thx. The exact opposite point is called anti-vertex, but most astrology researchers tend to not pay attention to it. Astrology Vertex Calculator, Free Online Anti-Vertex Calculation If you have any natal planets in your Fifth - Eighth Houses, particularly the Sun or Moon (which progress faster than your other planets), they might eventually come upon your Vertex, and striate your inner awareness with insights related to your destiny process. or maybe even help validate an intuition, some woo" inkling you felt, about that person or your interactions. The house position of the Moon, then, can reveal some areas of life's ups and downs in the year ahead. This means that the people they were partnering with had roughly the same degree and sign of the Sun. The tricky one now is stepparents. Tho, from the research, it sounds like any planet connections to our Vertex - Anti-Vertex axis are ultimately beneficial, but I would add that, like most of our birth chart, it takes time and experience to tap into the benefits. Uranus will bring eureka level flashes of genius, perhaps the arrival of a tool or invention that enables you in some way, while Neptune will bring spiritual awakening, and Pluto will bring a soul-wracking, inside out descent into the deepest caverns of psyche. A contact transit to the vertex, a conjunction, or to its opposite point, the anti-vertex, is the key that opens this gate. . The Moon moves fastest and conjuncts both every month, but this only lasts for a few hours so it generally isnt enough to trigger anything unless other big astrology is present. Just find a way to gain as much scope and leverage of your psyche as you can. , VERTEX IN THE SIGNS > To augment my (amateur) summaries above, also check out this CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs (as well as aspects to the Vertex from the planets), and compare to this one from Siddhantika! If youve been looking into spiritual astrology or anything with compatibility, you probably have since thats generally what the Vertex connects to. North Node Capricorn 1st House / South Node Cancer 7th House. Others can look up to you. the purpose of the Vertex connection is to goad us towards destiny, in whatever way described by the connection. BECAUSE THE BARISTA AND I SHARE A DOUBLE-WHAMMY OF OUR VERTEX - ASCENDANTS, the fated interaction might be called a catalyzing experience, something meant to shock and awaken me* to the dormant skills and abilities underlying my Vertex placement. VERTEX IN CAPRICORN > Destiny process themes include duty and overcoming, building a legacy or something with lasting value, and relationships that help in fulfilling ones potential. It was only discovered in the mid 1970s by Edward Johndro, and research seems to be lacking ever since, especially on the point opposite the Vertex, deemed the Anti-Vertex. What was the vibe? Uhhh eclipses, ya cool, dude thx for letting me know. , NO, nope, that would have been too weird and cruel to endure, especially in light of all the other disillusionment Id been feeling around that time. Find some non-creepy way to score birth data for any new players on the scene, especially if spooky-cute coincidences are occurring while in their midst. With your astrology Vertex in Cancer, this may show youre fated to become a strong nurturer and supporter of those you care about. Enter be careful what you wish foryou just might get it scenarios. . If that Astro-Seek calculator can yield specific dates when your Vertex has been activated before, get your hands on those artifacts, diaries, mixtapes, and photo albums STAT. The Anti-Vertex is exactly opposite the Vertex. Remember that Vertex activations specialize in fated encounters, so for me, the encounter was supposed to be a learning process (Vertex in Gemini ) and rinse-down of my intimacy issues (Vertex in the Eighth House). And once you confirm that this is a Vertex activation, run a little recon. . . Okayit might seem a teensy bit complicated, but only for a minute. However, the story goes that Pomona was super into her independence, not interested in dating, so to get his fix, Vertumnus had to to change his form every day while passing Pomonas garden, transforming into a warrior, then a farmer, then a sea merchant, on and on, Until one day, Vertumnus transformed into a little old lady, walked into the garden and right up to Pomona, kissed her (), and started chatting her up about that way cool fellow, Vertumnus. IN FACT, you might think of a Vertex activation as puberty for consciousness. This can help you become a great idea generator. Copyright 2023 Astrology Answers. HINT > Remember to peek at the opposite sign / house to see if anything is transiting your Anti-Vertex! I meanI can hazard guesses (based on intel learned about his life while eavesdropping), but we never had a direct conversation. Oh, and you can learn more about the concept of rulers (a.k.a. . With your astrology Vertex in Sagittarius, this may show youre fated to become a wise teacher as you learn from your life experiences. With a full 6th house , sun 19 cancer conjunct lie 20 and nessus, mercury 24 cancer and moon 7 cancer . This can be as strong as when the slow transit planets are conjunct. I've got a Gemini Vertex in the 8th house, with my 2nd house Sag Mercury exactly conjunct the anti-Vertex. Meaning of the Second House in the Natal Chart - Astrology ), ANYWAY, let me provide some summaries for interpreting transits to the Vertex, and in the final section, Ill focus on reading for the Vertex in a synastry chart (), which showcases what the Vertex does best. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING the Vertex isnt a body, such as a planet, but is formed by where the ecliptic (or path of the Sun) intersected the prime vertical: an imaginary line dividing the sky into two halves, a front and back. With your astrology Vertex in Pisces, this may show youre fated to become a master of intuition. Discuss Natal Vertex In The 8th House In The Astrology Houses Forum. Houses 5 and 6 are considered the last of the personal houses, whereas houses 7 and 8 are considered the first of the impersonal houses. TO ROUND IT OUT, HERE ARE A FEW SUMMARIES FOR VERTEX HOUSE PLACEMENTS >, Kim Falconer, Astrology and Aptitude: How to Become What you Are Meant to Be. Eclipses can also activate the Vertex, as Ive discovered. OKAY, SO. Then it tends to be very strong! 2nd House Capricorn: 5 Traits it Gives You REMEMBER, beginner astrology is like Mad Libs, so play with keywords related to these symbols, and try to build a picture. ). The second house is a succedent house. , ALTERNATE VERSION > Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, just plug in your birth data. While you're fated to develop the sign of the Vertex, help from your Anti-Vertex is just beginning to develop giving you little help from previous development. THE VERTEX CAN ONLY BE FOUND ON TBE FATE HALF OF YOUR CHART > Because it pertains to fated encounters and situations, the Vertex is only found in the Fifth-Eighth Houses or right-hand side of our chart (full instructions for finding yours below ). Progressions can also be used with relationship astrology, and sometimes fated people will connect your progressed Vertex (or you with theirs). ). Its like Pinhead from Hellraiser is part of my destiny process. Astrology Study, Destinys Gate or Vertex, the Electric Axis. , Also, how does the Vertex factor into a composite chart? and it wants to be grounded in your destiny process. Over time, as you get older, you may be fated to experience great success professionally or with a goal. Even without knowing the astrology, these are the relationships described as having a destined feeling, where both people feel the other one plays a pivotal, supportive role in helping realize their true potential. 8. (Do the same for the sign and degree of your Anti-Vertex too! This timing can be observed in the natal chart as a transit. For example, if Saturn is square my Vertex angle, then Saturn development would open the gateway for Vertex-inspired experiences. , AND TAKE HEART, because the Vertex is an ongoing process, just like the rest of your chart! (Read more about my Eclipse Moment here, and learn earn more about astrological eclipses over here. Youll want to focus on the energy of the transit planet involved and the sign your Vertex or Anti-Vertex is inthis can give clues as to how it happens or what it involves. . 1, Destinys Gate or Vertex, the Electric Axis, this CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, This Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, how does the Vertex factor into a composite chart, When Bren Brown interviewed Drs. . ), THIS KINDA FASCINATES ME, BECAUSE MY MOMS TWO MARRIAGES WERE WITH PEOPLE WHO HAD THE SAME BIRTHDAY, BUT DIFFERENT YEARS > Every now and again, I speak with people who have had two (and sometimes more) significant others with the same birth date, but different years. So, in some versions of my birth chart, Gemini (where the eclipses were striking) is empty. Jupiter conjuncts your Vertex once every 12 years, and will shower blessings on your destiny process, perhaps in the form of a benefactor, patron, or mentor, or coincide with some kind of meaningful opportunity. FOR THIS, were only locating and interpreting connections betwixt-between each others Vertex in a synastry chart, but the conditions of the Vertex in a composite chart* can also be insightful about a relationship. The Vertex represents looking at life (the hard-line approach). , This post shows you how to start reading your natal chart, learn more about reading a transit chart over here, This post shows you how to get one from, Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, From Siddhantikas article all about the Vertex, This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, this one from CafeAstrology on the same topic, This post can show you a full out tutorial for scoring and reading transit charts, hit up the Astro-Seek Transit Chart Calculator, Here again is that CafeAstrology article summarizing aspects from the planets to Vertex, a list of which planet(s) rule which zodiac signs, when the Gemini Solar Eclipse struck my Vertex on June 10, 2021, this CafeAstrology article displays and explains all the aspects, this one summarizes aspects to the Vertex from other planets, this Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, we tend to project planets in our Seventh House, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Part Two, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Pt. Vertex shares were down 20% to $217.91, a blow for a stock that has risen 24% year to date. Are You in Sync With Your Numerological Destiny? Whichever house your Vertex lands in indicates the arenas of life where your destined meetings take place, while the sign tells you the themes of the connection. . , HERES MINE WRITTEN OUT > Vertex (conjunct or side-by-side) Chiron in Gemini in the Eighth House. , OKAY, THATS THE JIST OF IT, NOW HERES WHAT I THINK HAPPENED, REMINDER > The 2021 Gemini Solar Eclipse occurred at 19 Gemini, in a 2-3 orb of my Vertex-Chiron (rad). That's all true but more profoundly, the 2nd house is your money persona - the 8th house is your . INFLUENCE > How would you articulate or describe the role or influence you each play in others goals, ambitions, or sense of purpose? SO, grab your birth certificate, or start dialing your momma and aunties! These house positions are often associated with sudden, unforeseen changes. Inventory everything about that day, or the few days around that time. Now you are to learn compassion for the feelings of others. (HINT: The Vertex placement in a composite chart can also indicate a super fated relationship, learn more here! VERTEX IN SCORPIO > Destiny process themes include depth, intimacy, unwavering commitment, and relationships based on intense shared experiences. BUT JUST FYI, I cant locate much literature about the effects of transits to the Anti-Vertex, but from my own inexpert transit tracking, transits to the Anti-Vertex seem to be a peek-a-boo opening to the Vertex, not really coinciding with destined moments, but, FOR INSTANCE, instead of a moment of clarity or hit of awareness (such as with a transit to the Vertex), the effect feels more like realizing the bath water has turned cold, or waking from a micro-nap, and now a different podcast episode is playing from the one youd settled in to listen to, or basically, transits to the Anti-Vertex feel like something on the backend that needs adjusting or re-calibration* (IMHO). SO maybe the Watcher really is some primordial, original self, the piece most interested in what we make of our existence, and how we manage to fulfill our wishes and longings with the events, circumstances, and people available to us? TO USE IT, plug in your birth data, and select any planet from the dropdown menu labelled Transit. What does vertex in a house mean? : r/astrology - reddit For example, if the Moon is in the eighth house of the Solar Return chart, joint finances may be an issue or a cause for concern. (second house). There are so many other factors to look for in a synastry chart in terms of compatibility (see my synastry post ), and a composite chart is where you would look for the meaning of a relationship. In a synastry chart, youd look for aspects between each others Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Venus or Mars, as well as your Vertex (or anti-Vertex). You have to learn how to stand out and be comfortable with getting attention for your talents and what you can create. If so, there was probably a correlating encounter or event. . With your astrology Vertex in Scorpio, this may show youre fated to become an incredible transformer. (*Click that link to learn more, but I have a tutorial about getting and reading a composite chart coming out in a couple months, subscribe to find out when it goes live! The Astrological Vertex is a position that some astrologers swear by, and others barely pay attention to. Every black line denotes 5. IN A NATAL CHART > Examine your Vertex in your chart (sign, house, aspects) for hints about your destiny process. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all move quickly and conjunct both 2-4+ times each year, so it may not be a big deal when they conjunct unless it's paired with other transits. You will feel as if you can manipulate the world, but it's the world you cannot control in reality. , AND THE SAME FOR YOU, if you happen to have Chiron aspecting your Vertex! The vertex is a relatively new angle of study in the astrological world. This results in minor irritations that could eventually develop into big problems such as health or financial concerns. the second house in the natal chart also describes your self-esteem, value system and need for stability. If you notice one of your planets forms an aspect to another persons Vertex, it might indicate your relationship is fateful for that person, and that your planet (or angle, whatever) plays into what that person is trying to develop in their destiny process. but ultimately, the destiny process itself is an inside job, something youll pack up and take with you when you go. Based on the baristas (hypothetical) birth chart, that same eclipse might have struck within 5 of his Ascendant (positioned @ 14 Gemini on said hypothetical birth chart). If the Vertex is the spiritual Ascendant, the anti-Vertex is the spiritual Descendant. Vertex in Capricorn: Multiple Obligations Waiting for You Pomona wasnt persuaded, until suddenly, Vertumnus changed into his true form. But the Vertex is specifically about your destiny process. Youre probably already familiar with the other three fate lines, but under different names: the Magnetic Axis (the Ascendant-Descendant), the Gravity Axis (the Nadir-Midheaven), and the Karmic Axis (the Lunar Nodes). Your mind can be an asset once you develop your talents and learn how to make use of your natural mental abilities. Do you notice any orange planets, angles, or points nearby? Sextiles might start or inspire something between the points, while trines facilitate and support the direction youre moving in.). You will have to approximate the Anti-Vertex, by looking at the sign and house opposite the Vertex (to determine if there are any connections there as well). . The Destiny Point in Astrology: Where to Find - hella namaste The Vertex: a Turning Point of Fate - The Spiritual Eclectic It exactly opposes the Vertex in the zodiac, making this an axis in astrology. I absolutely recommend using an online calculator to calculate your Vertex location (its way too difficult for anyone who isnt an astrologer or mathematician to do by hand, and luckily there are plenty of free calculators online that will calculate your Vertex for you). Planets very close-by our ASC (or even placed in our First House) can influence our phenotype: the tighter the orb to our ASC, the more dramatic the influence particularly in our eyes. You can also choose whether to see transits or transits and progressions! At the first meeting/beginning of a relationship, many times the other person's progressed planet/s will cojoin this point. If someone elses planet(s) or angle connects with your Anti-Vertex, evaluate the function of the connection, and compare to your true life experience. . , Your Vertex can definitely be activated more than once! With your astrology Vertex in Libra, this may show youre fated to become an incredible negotiator, mediator, and diplomat. , BE CAREFUL, because you might invest in the energy or function symbolized by that planet into someone else whos activated your Vertex. Think tax, debt or the joint account your ex still won't sign the paperwork to close. Itll be a much bigger deal when its transit Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct your Vertex or Anti-Vertex. Having Chiron in close aspect (2) of my Vertex entwines my soul-wound cycle and healing with my destiny process. With the exception of one whose birth time is uncertain, each of these people were meeting more than one significant other whose Sun was conjunct their natal Vertex. UPDATE: I DID THE CHARTS, IT CHECKS OUT, WTF FOREVER!! Does there seem to be a commitment or sacrifice in that kind of relationship? You need to become strong, brave, and ready to go. Im guessing this based on (1) that coworkers reproachfulness of late, and (2) because she showed me her natal chart hella days ago in connection to a break-up with her boyfriend/roommate, whereupon I guessed an unwise casual coupling would ensue (not out loud ) largely due to codependency markers in her chart, and the fact that she does work with a janky perv (the barista ), though I did not anticipate the coinciding impact of the eclipse , my seeing the blue flash in the baristas eyes, or him suddenly dressing like my ex-husband / Art Alexakis and instructing the other baby-baristas to spy and notify him of my cafe solicitations, but does that mean he also saw a blue flash in my eyes or is he just responding to my weird vibes and trying to shake off his clingy workplace-lover, AND IM BASICALLY STALKING EVERYONE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD WITH ASTROLOGY, hi, Im Plutonian. SEXTILES TO THE VERTEX ARE TRINES TO THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets offer an opportunity to develop your higher qualities, while flexing your already developed qualities. The Vertex person is unconsciously attracted to the Moon person's emotional nature. As one astrologer describes it, Vertex activations instigate a cataclysmic process, where events, meetings, and circumstances arrange themselves in such a way as to break up, dissolve, and dismantle all factors not currently aligned with your personal ascension.